Our Worship Services

Sunday Service: Generally we have a time of worship, celebrate the Eucharist (the Lord’s Table), and a Scripture-based message. Prayer is essential, so we begin, end, and pray in the middle, too.

Weekly Evening Prayer: Our weekly evening prayer meetings hold on Wednesdays at 6:30 pm and are conducted virtually over Zoom. You can join us here and we’ll be very happy to pray with you.

Ladies’ meeting: Monday night prayer. 6:30 at the Ducks. Contact Ruth Duck for details and to be put on the text/email list: ruthduck@icloud.com

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Monthly Community Events

Men’s Breakfast: First Tuesday of each month. Please contact Tim Tracy to be put on the email list: timtracy4jc@gmail.com

Evangelism Bible Study: We meet every other Monday night at the church @ 6:30. Please contact Steve Giacalone for details. s-giacalone@sbcglobal.net

3rd Thursday: 3rd Thursday comes to us! We make conversations and offer tracts, sometimes face painting, and waters to those who pass by our building.